Our Tesla is an Extension of Ourselves

A combination of a tech-savvy dad, and his nature-loving son, fell in love with their Tesla for its unique driving experience. We wanted to protect it from daily damage and personalize it to match our own styles. In the months after acquiring our Tesla, we searched the internet for the best accessories to achieve this and wanted to share our findings with other Tesla owners. This inspired us to open ShinyEV, a store dedicated to providing accessories that are both top-quality and unique, offering owners the best products to protect and personalize their Tesla.

Our Mission

At ShinyEV we believe our car is an extension of ourselves and because every owner is different, every car should be different too. Our cars should be modified to match each owner's lifestyle, interests, habits and fashion sense. However, because Tesla only offers a limited selection of models a lot of these needs can not be met. This is why our mission is to offer a wide range of high-quality, unique accessories.

Remake your Tesla the way you want it.

Our products

Quality and uniqueness are two values we hold most dear to our hearts. We will only offer products that satisfy these two goals and often choose to hold back product offerings if suitable products cannot be found. However, from time to time, we will launch products with limited offerings to test the popularity of unique items, gauge interest, and gather customer feedback.

High Quality
Selecting products is difficult. We have an internal disdain for the single-use, throwaway culture that is so prevalent in the modern world and do our best to selectively choose items that are built to last.

Unique Products
We have an innate appreciation for smart design and hold a zen-like belief that less is more. For items that are not subject to individual fashion design, we choose to offer only 1-2 styles—the best items we can find on the market. For those that are subject to fashion design, we do our best to limit the selection and ensure that each style passes our rigorous criteria.